ѕраздник Christmas 5 класс

÷ели и задачи:
Х развитие пам¤ти, мышлени¤, воображени¤, внимани¤;
Х закрепление лексических единиц и речевых образцов, которые были изучены за 1 полугодие и должны знать учащиес¤ согласно требовани¤м программы;
Х приобретение страноведческих знаний.

ƒанный урок базируетс¤ на эпизоде СChristmasТ из видео курса СWe`re Kids in BritainТ (English life and festivals) СLongmanТ, что повышает познавательный интерес к изучению английского ¤зыка.

¬от примеры заданий дл¤ каждой команды.
1. Make an emblem and give a name for your team according to the topic of today`s lesson. Watch Sequence 1.
Sequence 1
Narrator. Christmas.
We wish you a merry Christmas,
And a happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin.
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Luke. It` s Christmas and there`s lots to do!
Teach children Christmas Carol. Which team sings better? (You may give the words of this song on a piece of paper). (–исунок 1).
–исунок 1

2. Make your poems.
Be merry and ... (charming)
... and wise, (nice)
... and everything `s twice (happy).
I hope... (year)
Your Christmas this ... (fantastic)
Will be ... (sincerely)
Be happy, my ...! (dear)
What do you usually do to get ready for Christmas? Watch Sequence 2 and 3.

Sequence 2.
Narrator. Decorate the Christmas tree, make the snowflakes, open the Christmas cards, wrap the Christmas presents, make the mince pies.

Sequence 3.
Mum. Phew! That`s finished! The Christmas tree. The snowflakes, the cards, the presents, the mince pies... All done!
3. Match the pictures to the words. (A postcard, Christmas tree, presents, a stocking, mince pies, a snowflake).
4. Write sentences about what they have already done (use Present Perfect).
5. Make a snowflake to decorate the classroom.
6. Watch Sequence 4.

Sequence 4.
Narrator. It` s Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas. Jenny and Luke are going to bed. They are putting out their stockings. It` s Christmas morning. Luke is opening his stocking. What has Luke got? A game, a stapler, a pencil case, and sweets. Look at Jenny! What has she got in her stocking? An address book, bracelets, a torch, sweets and an orange. And say what will happen if you hang a stoking on your bed (use Conditional 1).
7. Watch Sequence 5.

Sequence 5.
Narrator. It` s time to open the Christmas presents.
Jenny. Here is one for you Tim. That` s a heavy one ...
Narrator. It` s lunch time! What` s for lunch? Turkey, carrots, peas, potatoes.
Luke. Let` s pull the crackers!
Narrator. What` s in the crackers? Paper hats and small presents, And now for Christmas pudding!
We all want some figgy pudding
So bring some out here.
Good tidings we bring, etc
Dad. Who`s for Christmas pudding then?
All. Yes, please!
Jenny. Look I got 10p!
Dad. That`s good luck. Well done!
Children. Now it`s your turn to answer the questions! Merry Christmas!

8. What was in the children` s crackers? What is in yours? Task 2. Draw a cracker and falling out mixed letters of the words: present, sweet, snowman, etc.

9. Now show Father Christmas the way to his sack (or the cook where to put Christmas pudding). Task 3.
10.What do you remember about Christmas traditions in England? Task 4.

Christmas Traditions in England
1. People send Christmas ... to greet each other.
Х letters,
Х cards,
Х faxes,
Х presents.
2. They wish У... Christmas and Happy New Year!Ф
Х Funny,
Х Brilliant,
Х Merry,
Х Busy.
3. Father Christmas УcomesФ to every house through ...
Х the door,
Х the window,
Х the chimney.
4. Father Christmas arrives from ...
Х the North Pole,
Х Alaska,
Х Russia,
Х Africa.
5. He brings ...
Х a snow girl,
Х snow,
Х a New Year tree,
Х presents.
6. He is wearing ...
Х a rain coat,
Х jeans,
Х a suit,
Х a fur coat.
7. He puts little presents ...
Х under children` s beds,
Х into children` s shoes,
Х into children` s stockings,
Х under their pillows.

11. ≈сли команды набрали одинаковое количество баллов, можно предложить задание на общий кругозор. Task 5.
Holidays in Britain
Holidays Christmas Mother`s Day St. Valentine`s Day New Year`s Easter
1. This day people usually visit their friends. There is a lot of dancing and eating. People bring a piece of coal for good luck.
2. People decorate trees with toys, send greeting cards and find presents in their stockings.
3. People send cards to people they love. They don` t write their names. Those who get them must guess who sent them.
4. All people eat chocolate eggs. Sometimes parents hide eggs in the house or in the garden and children look for them.
5. This day children help at home and give or send cards and presents. Mothers like this holiday.

¬ конце игры подвод¤тс¤ итоги и команды награждаютс¤ призами. ¬се поют песню У Merry ChristmasФ.

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